Hi, I am Dr Yvette Tan, the Love Physician and I am on a mission to help you love your body back to health so that you can live your life fully and join me as a fellow love warrior to banish fear so that others too can come to know the fullness of life!
Are you ready to have health fully so that you can live fully?
Whether you are in great shape and just want to build more health resilience to future proof your health;
or been shipwrecked by chronic pain and low energy for the longest time,
I would warmly like to invite you to join me in my
GIFT Program
Growing in faith together : Faith in your self, your body and in God.
The first step in faith is to heal our fears.
How do you know if you have fears?
It comes in many disguises!
Have you been flogging your body?
Have you been overriding your body's need to rest?
Have you pretending to be okay when you actually feeling overwhelmed?
Have you been feeling frustrated with your body for letting you down?
Have you been feeling scared that it is just a matter of time before the body will crash because your many years of running on empty will finally catch up with you?
That is anxiety at work!
And you will not heal if you don't address this head on!
Anxiety is the biggest impediment to body healing itself! And this can be present in all its disguises including frustration, annoyance, needing to over controlling or micromanage, and feeling overwhelmed. When a person is anxious, the body is in a state of flight or fight , or worse case scenario, freeze, or play dead. When this happens, the body cannot heal, no matter what they take or do. However, when the body is in a state of calm and peace, the body is able to rest , restore and rebuild quite easily.
The fastest way to health is to learn to deeply love and respect your body.
This is Authentic Self-Love!

Be Not Afraid!
Your body has been created to be amazingly resilient , and it can heal itself of anything if we gave it what it needed and got out of the way, the body an heal itself.
Just ask yourself what happens when you cut yourself or break a bone. Do you ever doubt that it would ever heal? You know it will heal, just how quickly or to what extent the healing will happen are the questions you ask. The reason you are in your current state of health is because your body has been thrown into a chronic state of imbalance that has prevented the body from repairing and restoration.
My job with you is to help you identify what you need , and help you get out of your own way , so that the body can heal.
Let me be your guide to teaching you Authentic Self-Love as the fastest, most effective and long lasting cure to your health issues.
In my GIFT Program, I use a a truly mind, body, spirit, whole person system approach, to give you the skills and tools to break free from anxiety once and for all and reclaim back your health and vitality!

Unresolved Emotional Pain is the biggest blockade to healing and happiness.
So if you have not gotten the results elsewhere despite your best efforts, this is the critical missing puzzle of your health journey!
In my GIFT Program, I offer a unique approach to addressing the root cause of anxiety that is blocking your body's own healing potential.
This allows me to help you overcome even the most complex or debilitating health issue by ridding you of your anxiety once and for all to find true health, happiness and fulfillment.
I believe in going upstream and addressing the root causes of any problem. When we address upstream root causes, this does not only get rid of the problem once and for all, but also prevents new problems from popping up!
In my GIFT Program, I will teach you how to fish, rather than simply throw fish at you, so that you will be empowered with the tools you need to not only regulate your emotions and find inner peace, without relying on harmful medications or lengthy therapy sessions, but also gain problem solving skills for any health problem that might arise . There is no better way to future proof your health than this!
In my GIFT Program, I will be using the Cell BluePrint as a starting point of assessing your needs. We will be able to hone in what you need without having to do expensive testing to get us going. What you need is often very basic and achievable without too much cost, and you might already know what to do. It is often the commitment and consistency in doing of these fundamentals that is the problem.
What makes my GIFT Program unique is that I will help heal from your anxiety so that you get out of your own way of healing.
Are you one of the many patients I see who has tried everything under the sun , spent a huge fortune on tests and even taken bags of supplements for the longest time and still not getting better?
Are you someone who is always reading and researching but don't know where to start or focus on?
Do you suffer from analysis paralysis?
Have you lost all hope in getting better because nothing has worked?
Are you feeling lost as to where to start because you are so overwhelmed with everything?
I will take you step by step through the process to systematically address the fundamentals of healing so that you will be confident in getting the results you want!
In my GIFT Program you will also be given the 3 Cs that is needed for success, Commitment, Consistency and Companionship .
Don't we already know what we must do? It is the 3 Cs that get us over the line!
Let my GIFT Program laser focus your energy, time and effort to what truly counts for long lasting health!

Anxiety is the biggest impediment to body healing itself!
And this can be present in all its disguises including frustration, annoyance, needing to over controlling or micromanage, and feeling overwhelmed. When a person is anxious, the body is in a state of flight or fight , or worse case scenario, freeze, or play dead. When this happens, the body cannot heal, no matter what they take or do. However, when the body is in a state of calm and peace, the body is able to rest , restore and rebuild quite easily.
Learning to self regulate through tapping ( emotional freedom technique) is a strategy I teach you in my GIFT Program to help you feel psychologically safe , so that you can get themselves out of their own way , for the body to then do what it knows best, which is to heal.

Safety is the key!
Understand why breaking free from Anxiety is critical for success in any health protocol!
The Regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System through tapping is a simple yet powerful way to build safety for yourself.
Learning how to keep yourself safe here!
Remember You cannot Heal Your Body without Healing Your mind!
This is why you have not gotten the results you are after despite your investment of money and time. Stop wasting more time and effort and go upstream and address the root cause of all problems!

In my GIFT Program, I teach you how to listen well to your body so that you can be attentive to its needs way earlier in the dis-ease process, before it has to shout at you through a big disease that stops you in tracks and take you out of life. Listening well to your body so that you can start doing what is right for your body is critical to get you better.
I will teach you to learn to respect your body’s physiology, anatomy , biochemistry and energetics so that it can be orientated to heal.
In fact, if you truly want to heal, you need to change your relationship with your body. You will learn that you can no longer flog it , or beat it into submission. Neither can you continue to take liberties at your body and push it without giving it anything in return.
I will teach you how to authentically love yourself here and now, warts and all. This will unleash your innate healing power like nothing else can! I promise you this!

So, if you are ready to be a good captain of your ship and take your health seriously, and do what it takes to help your body function at its optimum, it will be my privilege and pleasure to be your guide on this journey in my GIFT Program.
I will teach you literally to love your body back to health. Love is the ‘willing of the good of’. Love is not just a feeling, but the action to do what is right and what is good for your body.
You can either make appointments to see me and we work with what shows up, which often is a hit and miss as to what I get to cover with you. Or you can sign up for my heal your mind, heal your body course , which allows me to take you systematically through the whole process of healing. Or best of all do both! I can assure you it will be complementary and will help you build the strongest foundations of health possible!

Can you afford not to get on this voyage?
You can tell yourself that this is too much for you, or that you are not ready for this commitment to learn to support your body in a deeper way. That is fine, as long as you are living congruent to your values.
What you value is what you are willing to spend your time and money on. If you say you value health but make decisions that is incongruent to this, it causes a conscious conflict that throws your physiology into feeling unsafe. This is not a state of healing and so you will be setting yourself up for problems down the road.
You may also say that you don’t have the time at the moment , too busy serving others and already burning two ends of your candle, but remember , the body will do what it takes to survive, even if it means to stop you in your tracks so as to create ‘ time; for you.
You may also recognize that your playing field is getting smaller. What you used to be able to do, you can’t do anymore, and you tell yourself you are quite content to play within the smaller field. ; especially since most of your peers are doing the same. However, what is happening is that you have eaten into your health resilience, and if life circumstances force you to play out of the field, you will have no reserve for that!
Learn to Future Proof Your Health through my
GIFT Program
Growing in faith together: Faith in yourself, your body and God.
I'm Dr Yvette Tan
I am The Love Physician and Anxiety Freedom Naturally Expert : Your loving guide to health, wholeness and purpose through remembering that you are loved and that you are love.
I practice mind-body-spirit , whole person medicine specializing in helping people heal from their emotional pain of anxiety and depression to unleash their own innate healing potential.
Deep seated emotional issues are often the greatest impediment to healing because it is the biggest drainer of the energy cup.
I help, motivated, health minded individuals who have been stuck in their healing journey despite their best efforts, make the shift so that they can go from being stuck, frustrated and lost to great energy, deep confidence in their body and growing to their best version of themselves.
I am on a mission to awaken as many love warriors as I can through this process so that we can once again let love reign in a world that has been held hostage by fear!
Learn more about me here

My health last year was average looking back. I was really unwell when started working with you with long covid. Had covid twice this year and contacted you for help. I was hoping to get my health back pre covid. I wanted to be healthy again quickly. I got my health back. I understand the body is very powerful and can heal it’s self and you explained everything in ways that made sense and could help me. You were open and honest whether I liked that or not. I think we have a great relationship and we can be open and honest with each other and work to cure my issues not just put a band aid on them."
Wayne , Sales Manager

Anxiety and depression. Perfectionism. I had difficulty functioning at work and at home. Troubles with colleagues. Sleep troubles. I shouted and got angry at my children and gave the silent treatment to my wife. I smoked marijuana everyday and drank copious amounts of alcohol. I wanted my internal suffering to reduce. I wanted my home life to improve. To stop abusing marijuana and alcohol. A great deal. I stopped getting angry at my children and accepted my wife for who she was such that our relationship greatly improved. I was able to go back to full time work and have better relationships with colleagues and clients. I learnt to go easier on myself. I stopped playing the victim who had children with disorders. I was able to achieve in the main without medication." Ben , Lawyer

My skin is healed & I have a better understanding of the route cause. I never thought stress or emotional issues would be a contributing factor but turns out it was a big part of this so by understanding this it has been a huge factor as to why I have clear skin now.
Aside from that, being able to reach a place where I can see myself no longer as a victim in circumstances that happened in my life has enabled me to change so much about how I perceive my past, how I behave in my present & how I direct my future.
I have also reached a place where I am able to have compassion for people who’ve wronged me in the past and therefore, forgiveness.
By reaching this point I have been able to stop/minimise to vicious cycles of self-destructive behaviour that kept repeating in my life over and over.
I have a relationship with my mum for the first time in 6 years which is something I never thought I would ever want, let alone be enjoying." Jennie business owner
Through my program, I teach a naturalistic approach to healing that focuses on lifestyle fundamentals, such as exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. However, I believe that self-love and respect for the body is just as important as these fundamentals, and that's what sets me apart from other health practitioners.
My approach is rooted in love, kindness, and respect; teaching my patients to literally love their bodies back to health.
If you are ready to take control of your life and be a good Captain of your own ship by setting sail to find authentic self-love and happiness, sign up for the Heal your mind, Heal Your body Program today.
My program is perfect for anyone who is ready to unlock their full potential and become the best version of themselves.
With my naturalistic approach to healing, I guarantee that you will see amazing results that last a lifetime.

"I want to say with great gratitude, I am privileged to know you in part. To have someone like yourself, so knowledgeable, so well-studied in the field of health and so passionate and on fire for God, to have someone like you in my world and available to meet with or talk over the phone is a privilege that I don't take lightly."
Robert McGilvray
What you will learn from me
I also teach you how to listen well to your body so that you can be attentive to its needs way earlier in the dis-ease process, before it has to shout at you through a big disease that stops you in tracks and take you out of life so that you start doing what is right for your body.
I will teach to learn to respect your body’s physiology, anatomy , biochemistry and energetics so that it can be positioned to heal.
In fact, if you truly want to heal, you need to change your relationship with your body. You will learn that you can no longer flog it , or beat it into submission. Neither an you continue to take liberties at your body and push it without giving it anything in return.
If you are ready to take your health seriously, and do what it takes to help your body function at its optimum, it will be my privilege and pleasure to be your guide on this journey.
I will teach you literally to love your body back to health. Love is the ‘willing of the good of’. Love is not just a feeling, but the action to do what is right and what is good for your body.
You can either make appointments to see me and we work with what shows up, which often is a hit and miss as to what I get to cover with you. Or you can sign up for my heal your mind, heal your body course , which allows me to take you systematically through the whole process of healing.

If you want the best health and vitality, there are 3 things that you must have zero tolerance for :
- Pain ( your body is telling you something is not quite right and needing attention)
- Fear ( being in a state of fear is going to prevent your body from rest, restore , rebuild)
- Low energy or fatigue ( you cannot heal if your cells are in a low energy state)
You ignore these 3 things at your own peril! You can sweep it under the carpet by using pain killers, drugs, alcohol, caffeine or other stimulants, but you know you will be throwing your body into further imbalance . So you not only miss the opportunity to repair your body earlier on and change your health trajectory for the better, this abuse of your body actually accelerate the downward spiral of your health trajectory!
So if you are ready to say ‘no’ to this abuse, and say ‘ yes’ to learning to love your body back to health and resilience, sign up for my GIFT Program and I will teach you how.

You might only be after a ‘ham and cheese sandwich’ to get by when you first made contact with me, hoping to address your current physical ailments.
If you accept the invitation of your body to start addressing its needs and heal, I will take you down this rabbit hole of health, healing and wholeness, I will offer you a sumptuous feast to celebrate life .
This journey is not only about health recovery. It is about self discovery and living your life fully! Are you ready?
Join me in my GIFT Program

lf you are ready to go all the way and give yourself the permission to eat from the Banquet of life, sign up for my GIFT Program today and give yourself the gift of more faith in yourself, your body and God for the quickest and surest path to a life that is full in health and purpose!

A word about Faith and God
Whether you already have a solid spiritual practice, or whether you claim yourself an outright atheist, or you have trauma around ‘God’ and are triggered by the very term, I would like to say to you that it is not possible to get deep , fast and long lasting without tapping into this paradigm.
However, this faith in God cannot be contrived or forced upon. Indeed, even many so called believers who have a regular religious practice, are far from spiritual; and some who have no religious affiliation are very spiritual.
When you start learning to love yourself and your body in a deep , real and authentic way, and you start appreciating the magnificence of your body and nature around you, your faith in the creator of all things will be a natural progression. I am confident of that.
So please don’t feel threatened and put off by this aspect of my program. In fact, I would say this is truly my secret sauce: the interweaving of self, health and spirituality in an inextricable way that will bring you to wholeness and integration, so that you can live your life to the fullness potential
To help you Heal your mind, Heal your body, Heal your life.
Learn to conquer anxiety by loving your body back to health.
Take control of your future health with by overcoming your Anxiety.

Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Body, DIY program
Learn to apply the fundamentals of good health to jump start your health journey at your own pace

Living from an overflowing cup by Healing your Life, Living Your Purpose
Learn how to manifest your best life by ensuring an overflowing cup that never runs dry .

Heal Your Heart by Unwrapping the gift of emotional pain
Work with me one on one to heal your emotional pain once and for all for deep , fast and long lasting results naturally and discreetly. Allow me to be your guide to support you in your own transformation.
Nip Anxiety in the bud!
Help Your Body feel safe through music therapy with the Safe and Sound Protocol developed by Dr Stephen Porges, with me as your guide
Sometimes, due to trauma, the body perceives innocent verbal and non verbal cues as unsafe. This sets up the autonomic nervous system to be stuck in fight, flight or freeze and makes it challenging for you to feel safe to heal. It also results in a lot of stress in your relationships and affects your brain function.
Know your Cell Blueprint™
to see what your cells need so that you can focus on what really matters and stop wasting time and money!
(this is included in the Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Body program)